“Making growing vegetables easy and fun for everyone, everywhere.”Vegepod The Vegepod is a gardening product that’s like no other! It’s a self contained, raised garden bed. It’s the perfect solution for anyone interested in growing their own chemical free and nutritional veggies! Above all, it makes gardening simple. This modular …
Easy creative recycling projects
Every day, our bins are filled with waste. Many of us are used to throwing out plastics and packaging without realising that many of them can be reused at home. That plastic tray you got your fruit in? This could make the perfect tray to sow seeds in! Not everything …
Greenhouses by Canopia
Bring your green dreams to life with Canopia greenhouses! These greenhouses make gardening easier, efficient and more comfortable. Canopia was established in 1963 and is recognized as a leading brand for quality and service. They’re a world-leading manufacturer of extruded thermoplastic sheets and panel systems. At Horkans, we’re proud to …
Paraics Plant Of The Month: March 2021
The March plant of the month is the Forsythia, also known as the Easter Tree. It is a member of the Olive Tree family, where it takes its position as a flowering plant. It was named after a Scottish botanist, William Forsyth. Forsyth first brought the plant to Europe. “Forsythia …
Vegepod Kits
In this current climate, more people are discovering the benefits of growing their own food. Home grown food allows people to isolate peacefully, knowing their dinner is waiting right outside their door. The Vegepod is such a great project for anyone, especially families. We believe that the child that grows …