Before and After patio moss removal

De moss & Clean your Path

Is your patio or driveway infested with moss? The weather over the last few months has meant that our patios and other hard surface areas in the garden have become a breeding ground for moss and they have become a bit of an eyesore. Here at Horkans, we've created the perfect solution to this - our 'De moss and Clean your Path' kits. 

This kit contains everything you need to keep your driveway and patio looking fresh and clean. It includes a container of PAC - Patio Algae and Moss Cleaner which is a biodegradable liquid concentrate capable of removing moss from hard surfaces. This product can also remove algae, mould and lichens. These can be removed from a variety of hard surfaces in the garden, including tarmacadam, walls, roof tiles, fencing and bricks. The weedkiller is different in the medium kit as the larger kit will is designed for a larger surface area. Both weedkillers are an effective method when used as directed against most annual and perennial grass and broadleaved weeds. 

The medium kit will cover between 120 - 200m2 depending on moss growth.

The large will cover between 240 - 380m2 depending on moss growth. 

Medium Kit €70

This kit includes:

This kit includes everything you need to get you started, from your PAC to your weed killer.  The natural weedkiller is a ready to use all natural weed killer: It is pre-mixed and ready to use straight from the bottle and gives visible effects in just 3 hours. It contains no glyphosate and the active ingredient actually completely breaks down in the soil after 3 days leaving no harmful effects.  The best part is that it gives visible results in just 3 hours!  The kit also includes a knapsack sprayer for an even application and safe application,  and for getting right into those corners and cracks.

The medium kit will cover between 120 - 200m2 depending on moss growth. 


Large Kit €97

This kit includes:

Similiar to the medium kit, this bundle includes a larger size 5 litre  PAC along with the knapsack sprayer and Weedfree 360.  Weedfree 360 is an effective herbicide when mixed with water and used as directed against most annual and perennial grass and broadleaved weeds. It is translocated from the treated leaves throughout the plant and to underground roots, rhizomes and stolons. Weedfree 360 is the ideal weed killer for weeds on any hard surfaces. 

The large will cover between 240 - 380m2 depending on moss growth. 

This kit is ideal for anyone looking for a gardening project and wants to see results fast.

Pathways, patios or any other hard surfaces in your garden will be looking spotless in no time! If you would like to learn more about how to remove moss from your patio, read our blog here

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