The July plant of the month is the climbing rose. Climbing roses are absolutely stunning at this time of year in all gardens, and they are so easy to grow. Large, double scented blooms on strong, vigorous stems make climbing roses one of the the most popular, flowering climbers. Climbing roses will flower from now, right up until early winter. They will flower reliably every summer.
Climbing roses are an excellent way of bringing height and abundance to a garden. They are most frequently used on house walls but are also perfect for growing on pillars, walls, trellises and arches. Climbing roses usually have large flowers, held singly or in small groups. Nearly all varieties have the ability to repeat flower which means a stunning show of colour from July to October.

Climbing Rose Varieties:
Dublin Bay
An all time favourite rose is the blood-red Dublin Bay (below, left). This delightful, small climbing rose is an ideal rose for growing up a wall or pillar. It has large, healthy, glossy leaves alongside clusters of medium-sized, bright scarlet-crimson flowers. It grows to approx. 3 metres and is tolerant of poorer soils. This rose enjoys a sunny position and if it is left to grow without support it will form a large, free flowering shrub.
The Iceberg rose is a climbing white rose (below, right). It is a classic, floriferous rose producing large clusters of small, lightly double, white flowers. It is ideal for a trellis or a garden arch and will produce a stunning show of long lasting summer colour.

Albertine is a beautiful, french climbing rose (below, left). It was bred in France in 1921 and is one of the most popular roses of all. It has a sweet perfume that provides a memorable scent. During the summer, it flourishes with pink, doubled flowers on arching, thorny and reddish stems. The highly fragrant blooms make wonderful cut flowers. It is a vigorous rose that is perfect for training over a pergola or along an open wall. It can also be trained into trees. It is a fully hardy rose, preferring an open, sunny site and moist, well-drained soil.
Bantry Bay
Bantry Bay is a relatively modern climbing rose (below, right). It was bred in 1967, with strong growth and healthy foliage. It is a tough rose, that will flower repeatedly. The Bantry Bay climbing rose has scented, pink flowers. Its open flower reveals a yellow, pollen coated centre. A Bantry Bay rose will grow wide and tall. Hence, you should reserve a space of 3 X 4 metres for the flower.

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