Person planting

Our guide to Drift Planting

Many new gardeners tend to want to plant many different varieties of plants together in clusters. This might seem appealing but it’s actually quite time-consuming and it’s a lot messier to look at. One of the best ways to plant shrubs, ground covering plants and perennial plants in your garden …

Horkans Introduce A New Range Of Chimineas and Firepits

“Cold Air. Dark Night. Warm Fire. Bright Stars.” The fire is sacred. Traditionally, it was considered the hub of the home and a focal point for the family. Families and friends gathered by the fire daily to share stories and enjoy the comfort and warmth provided by the fire. Today, …

Plants growing from old food tins

Easy creative recycling projects

Every day, our bins are filled with waste. Many of us are used to throwing out plastics and packaging without realising that many of them can be reused at home. That plastic tray you got your fruit in? This could make the perfect tray to sow seeds in! Not everything …

Family gardening together

5 things to do with your family during lockdown

We may have another while left of lockdown in Ireland, but your garden still remains the safest place to be. This free time can be spent preparing your garden for Summer, and spending quality time with family. With the improving Spring weather, there’s no excuse not to get out in …

Seeds growing

5 seeds to sow in the Vegepod

For new owners of the Vegepod who might be wondering where to start, we’re here to help. We’ve compiled a list of 5 seeds to sow in your Vegepod now, a long with a list of tips to help get you started.   This modular vegetable garden is perfect – …