Roses add a beautiful burst of colour to every garden. If you are eager to plant roses in your garden, then ask yourself: What type of Rose are you interested in? Is it colour or fragrance you’re after? A low shrub or a tall climber? An indoor or an outdoor …
Paraic’s Plant of the Month: January 2020
Skimmia Japonica Obsession is my favourite garden plant for winter and spring colour. This is a new variety of Skimmia called Obsession which provides garden joy all year round. In August the flower buds appear and will open to produce gorgeous scented white flowers in March. This is followed …
Planting Flower Bulbs For The Spring
Do you dream of a blossoming garden in spring time next year? If you do, the best time to start planting flower bulbs is now! If you start planting in September, October and early November, you’ll have a garden full of vibrant colours from January to June next year. Start …
Autumn Plants
Autumn is here and is there anything more beautiful than the Autumn colours? This season is about preparing the garden for the cold Winter ahead. It’s also a time to bring stunning shades of orange, red, yellow and green to the garden. Read on for a selection of beautiful Autumn …
Mother’s Day Plant: #ParaicsChoice
This Mother’s Day, the perfect gift for your mother is the beautiful Camellia Japonica. It is often called the Rose of Winter due to its gorgeous rose-like blooms. What is amazing about this plant is that it grows from a beautiful evergreen shrub which later evolves into a small tree. …